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Football fun in the sun

Writer's picture: PatinaPatina

On Wednesday 8th May 18 teams arrived at Lewes FC's Dripping Pan to take part in our annual Football tournament for the much coveted Patina Cup.

We were so lucky to have a beautifully sunny day and lots of lovely spectators to cheer on the teams.

This is the nineth year we have run this football tournament and we are so grateful to the wonderful people at Lewes FC for letting us use the pitch and facilities.

Every year we ask teams to draw inspiration for their team names from our theme. This year's theme of 'Welcome To Our Table' provided a whole bunch of ideas for grape names! Sorry we can't help the puns, it's just to easy this year! We had Grape Expectations, The Pickles, Sizzling Baked Beans, Brighton and Hove Onion, Inter-my-belly and Ham City to name a few.

The Dream Team tournament is run as an inter-school competition so teams are often made up of friendship groups from across Lewes.

The fundraisers stans proudly alongside Lewes FC's women's team and their Equality FC campaign. The teams who competed on 8th May were made up of an equal number of girls and boys. When the Dream Team tournament started back in 2015 people were sceptical that the schools would be able to persuade any girls to play but boy oh boy were they proved wrong!

126 Lewes children took part in the tournament. The games were refereed and the scores were kept by Year 9 and 10 students from Priory who did such a professional job. We had four pitches where each group played each other.

We had the wonderful Jon Borthwick AKA ShoutyMan be our MC for the afternoon. He kept us informed and entertained through the tournament even if the PA systems wasn't playing ball!

The Patina Cantina was popular with spectators where they could buy hot dogs, meat and veggie, snacks, home made cakes and hot and cold drinks.

Lewes FC very kindly donated some prizes for our raffle, some tickets to a Lewes FC game and Lewes FC's keepers gloves! Congratulations to our raffle prize winners and thank you to everyone who bought a ticket.

It all ended in a nail-biting final between Fish & Chips FC and West-Ham-Egg & Chips. It went to a penalty shoot out where West-Ham-Egg & Chips won the Patina Cup - congratulations! Matthew Bird, Mayor of Lewes (on his very last day as Mayor) handed out the individual medals to loud roars of cheers and whoops!

We are so grateful to all the wonderful volunteers who came to help make the tournament including the Partina Cantina such a success. Our thanks go to Sauro Scarpelli for organising the groups and overseeing the matches, Priory PE teacher Tim Warren for organising the Priory School sports leaders to be our referees, time keepers and score keepers and to Jon Borthwick for being our wonderful MC. We are also indebted to Lewes FC for lending us the Dripping Pan for the afternoon, what a venue.


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Kindly sponsored by:


Enjoolata Foundation


Lewes Town Council



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Patina Lewes Community Arts Charity (reg number 1149418)

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